March 2, 2009

Günter Grass's Pictures at Clasica y Moderna.

Picture : THE HALIBUT, Günter Grass
Source :

Drawing, Lithography and Painting are fresh air for Günter Grass, German writer and Nobel Price, who in 1977 started to add his paintings as illustrations of his books.

A group of 25 pictures are in the "The Halibut EXHIBITION", which we are able to see from 2nd till 28 March in the Café “ Clásica y Moderna”. This exhibition is under the Patronage from Goethe Institut and was shown in Europe and Latin America.

The pictures show faces, fishes, beetles, mushrooms and shells. During the Exhibition the public will be invited to read Grass’s works.

The Halibut Exhibition, Pictures of Günter Grass
Clásica y Moderna, “Remarcable Bar in Buenos Aires”
Callao Av., 892. Buenos Aires.

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